Deep in the majestic Andes lies a magical place — Mindo, a world-class birding destination famous for its nature and biodiversity.
Hidden away in this natural paradise is Casa Divina Eco Lodge, a refuge that not only captivates with its beauty with its wooden cabins in the middle of the forest, but also shares a commitment to conservation and turismo sustentable.
Here we will answer the most common questions about Casa Divina’s captivating morning birdwatching tour: A unique experience that will connect you with the wildlife and leave you in awe of the incredible variety of birds in this region.
1. Why guided morning birding at Casa Divina?
Can you imagine witnessing the biodiversity of one of the most exceptional places for birding? Thanks to the expert knowledge of our guides and the use of equipment such as telescopes and binoculars, bird watching at Casa Divina becomes a unique, easy and exciting experience.
Nuestro tour de observación de aves te permitirá conectar con la naturaleza de una manera única y enriquecedora. La aventura comienza temprano, a las seis de la mañana, con bebidas calientes y una variada selección de frutas frescas para que puedas recargar energías.
At first light, we make our way to the covered viewing platform at the main lodge. As the sun appears over the horizon, the birds awaken and feed and provide a concert of sounds. It is a spectacle to see the forest come alive with bird activity.
We continue our tour throughout the reserve to observe even more species of birds and delight in their behavior as they go about their daily routine. After this unforgettable excursion, we return to the cozy atmosphere of Casa Divina, where a breakfast prepared with local ingredients and all the love that only home cooking can offer awaits you. It’s the perfect time to relax, share anecdotes from the tour and enjoy the unhurried camaraderie.
2. ¿Por qué Mindo es un destino mundial de observación de aves?
Mindo es una zona reconocida mundialmente por su excepcional biodiversidad y la belleza del bosque nublado, que atrae a miles de observadores cada año.
It is located within the Andean Chocó Biosphere Reserve, within the Pichincha Province in Ecuador, South America. Because of its natural characteristics and its location in the western foothills of the Andes Mountains, it was declared the first IBA (Área de Importancia para las Aves)..
It is one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots and it is estimated that the region is home to more than 500 species of birds. This makes it a true paradise for birdwatchers, since in all of Ecuador the number of species observed reaches 1.678 según la lista en la plataforma EBird..
En Casa Divina hemos observado y registrado 308 especies en nuestra lista en EBird.. Además, Mindo es hogar de varias especies de aves endémicas y que se encuentran amenazadas en la zona, según según la organización Bird Life, such as como la Grallaria Gigantea, Mochuelo ecuatoriano, Cerquero tangarino y Pava de Orton. Posiblemente la especie más importante del área es Samarrito Pechinegro, especie de colibrí críticamente amenazada.
There are also exotic birds such as the Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola peruvianus), and the Black-headed Tanager (Tangara nigroviridis).
It is a fantastic destination for birdwatching all year round, as its subtropical climate and its location in a transition zone between the coastal region and the Amazon region attract different species during different seasons.
3. ¿El tour de observación de aves es adecuado para todos los niveles de observadores de aves?
Whether you are an enthusiastic beginner or an experienced birder, our tours are designed so that everyone can participate and enjoy themselves to the fullest. We have experienced and passionate guides who will tailor the experience to meet the needs of each group.
Si eres un principiante, nuestros guías estarán encantados de enseñarte cómo utilizar los binoculares y cómo detectar a las aves entre las ramas y el follaje. Aprenderás a reconocer diferentes especies con sus cantos, y a apreciar la belleza y singularidad de cada una de ellas.
On the other hand, if you already have experience in birdwatching, our tour will be an enriching adventure for you. The Andean Chocó is home to unique and fascinating birds that you will not find anywhere else in the world.
We also have other tour offers if you want to experience several days and meet other species of birds, fauna and flora or if you are a specialized bird photographer and want a tailor-made tour. You can check out our tours here!
4. ¿Qué especies de aves se pueden observar en el tour?
You will marvel at the great variety of bird species that you can observe during the tour. From the most common species to the rarest and most special of the area, our guides will take you through an incredible ornithological journey.
Algunas de las especies que se podrán observar están en nuestra lista de EBird:
- Rufous Motmot
- Cucarachero Cabecinegro
- Cerquero Piquinaranja
- Thick-billed Euphonia
- Tucanete Culirrojo
- Pájaro Carpintero de Guayaquil
5. ¿Qué debo llevar para la excursión de observación de aves?
Todo lo que necesitas es vestir ropa cómoda que te permita moverte libremente y estar protegido en esta aventura matutina.
SabinaTour, our sister company and expert in tours for Casa Divina guests, will provide binoculars and a high-end telescope with which you will be able to observe every detail of their plumage and every feature of their behavior and you will be amazed with the sharpness of the images.
6. ¿Puedo hacer fotografías durante la observación de aves?
Yes, you can take pictures to capture these encounters with nature. Don’t worry if you don’t have a specialized camera. Thanks to our high-end telescope, you can use your own cell phone to take pictures from its lens. So don’t forget to charge your phone and have it ready for the tour.
Además, aprenderás cómo capturar la belleza de las aves sin perturbar su hábitat, y sobre la importancia de la fotografía responsable en la conservación de estas especies magníficas.
En Casa Divina Eco Lodge, creemos en la importancia de cuidar y preservar el medio ambiente. Por eso, nuestro tour de observación de aves se realiza de manera responsable, sin perturbar el entorno.
7. ¿Cómo puedo reservar una excursión matinal de observación de aves?
Booking in advance is essential. Ideally, you should inform us of your interest in the tour when you register your accommodation at Casa Divina Eco Lodge, so we can start coordinating all the details of your tour.
Nos puedes escribir por correo a o también contactarnos al WhatsApp.
Son bienvenidos los niños y los adultos que pueden estar a cargo de ellos durante el tour.
8. ¿Qué más puedo hacer durante mi estancia en Casa Divina?
In addition to birdwatching, Casa Divina Eco Lodge offers a wide range of activities to make your stay unforgettable. You can explore our self-guided trails, take a caminata nocturna con un guía especializado, un tour full day hacia el santuario de cascadas or a light full day birding tour.
Si lo deseas, puedes personalizar tu experiencia con otros tours a través de SabinaTour Operadora, nuestra empresa hermana. SabinaTour Operadora, nuestra empresa hermana
Come and join us on this unforgettable experience in the biodiversity paradise of the Andes. Connect with nature, discover the incredible biodiversity and contribute to conservation while enjoying sustainable and enriching tourism.
En Casa Divina, te esperamos para que descubras la magia de las aves y la belleza de la naturaleza, mientras te deleitas con la calidez y hospitalidad de nuestro eco lodge. ¡Te garantizamos que esta aventura dejará huellas imborrables en tu corazón y en tu alma!
Fotos y texto escrito por: Lucila Donoso